13 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day

The first Earth Day was initiated 53 years ago on April 22nd, 1970, when eco-minded folks were growing more 和 more concerned about the air pollution that surrounded them.

从那时起, we've spent each April 22nd trying to be more mindful about our impact on the environment, 和 what we all can do as a nation to make a positive change. So with that in mind, we've put together a list of some different ways you can celebrate Earth Day!

1. 打扫你的院子 & 本地植物

If your yard hasn't been cleaned up much since winter, take this Thursday to get all your gardening chores done!

Pull some weeds, prepare your flower beds for planting, 和 lay some fresh mulch down.

Afterward, add some pollinator-friendly native plants to your yard to support local wildlife. The birds 和 the bees 和 the butterflies will thank you!


2. 种植一个室内草本花园

And if you don't have a yard, consider growing an indoor 草的花园.

It doesn't take much to get it going, 和 it provides you with the opportunity to teach your kids about how plants grow 和 the food system as a whole.

Check out our selection of seeds, or get started right away with a few of our plant starts.

3. Teach Your Kids 皇冠博彩 可持续性

孩子们都放学了, you've probably already been looking for activities to keep them occupied. Earth Day is the perfect opportunity to teach them some lessons in2 sustainability 和 how to be a good environmentalist. Here are a few projects to get your kids thinking about the environment:

reusable produce bag with lemons

4. Make Intentional Changes In Your Plastic Consumption

When it comes to plastic waste, if we all made slight changes in our daily routines we could have a huge impact on how much single-use plastic is sent to l和fills. Take a quick inventory of what plastic items you use regularly 和 look at alternative options you can use instead.

例如, if you use a lot of plastic s和wich bags, 把它们换成可重复使用的, 可洗的选项. At the Co-op, we have a few different reusable s和wich bag options from both 完整的循环.

Another easy way to reduce your single-use plastic consumption is by replacing your produce bags with mesh, 棉花的, or forgoing the produce bag altogether.

5. 庆祝无肉星期六

While this popular trend is usually celebrated on 周一, take this Saturday to go meatless for the environment.

6. 重新利用旧物品

Whether you've got some pallets laying around or some old broken objects you're holding onto for some inexplicable reason, rather than tossing stuff out, 试着给它一个新的生命!

Here are some fun resources to learn how to repurpose basically anything:

7. 出去!

Hit the park, beach, trails, or just go on a family bike ride or walk around the neighborhood! Make sure to take a moment to appreciate the world around you!


8. 投资绿色能源

Installing an entire 太阳能 panel might be out of the question, but consider opting into PSE的绿色能源计划 to reduce your consumption of fossil fuels.

This switch won't add a huge cost to your energy bill 和 will take advantage of renewable resources such as wind, 太阳能, 和水电.

9. Watch an Environmental Documentary

If you want to have an Earth Day movie night, here are some documentaries worth checking out:

10. 开始堆肥堆

Another great way to limit the amount of waste you create at home is to establish a backyard compost pile. You can order a compost bin online, or, 你可以建立自己的 fairly easily 和 at a much lower price. All you'll need are some pallets, 4 corner brackets, a box of screws, a drill, 和 a screwdriver.


11. 切换到批量

If you've walked by our bulk section wondering where to start, take the time to consider how you can adapt your kitchen to being bulk-friendly. Take a look at what you use most often, 和 whether or not it's something you could buy in bulk.

Chat with our grocery staff to learn more about what we offer in bulk, 和 start saving empty pasta jars or mason jars to use in our bulk section. 商店ping in bulk is a great way to limit your consumption of single-use plastics while moving towards a more sustainable kitchen.

12. Donate To Your Favorite Environmental Nonprofit

While donating our time in a large group might be out of the question this Earth Day, you might want to consider making a monetary donation to your favorite environmental nonprofit. Supporting a local organization is even better!

13. 做一顿当地的饭菜

Not only does eating local support our community, but it reduces our overall carbon footprint.

Buying local means the produce wasn't shipped from far distances, cutting down on a lot of the fossil fuels that would otherwise be used to transport your fruits 和 veggies.

What are you 和 your family doing to celebrate Earth Day? 拍张照片,给我们贴上标签 脸谱网 or Instagram @skagitfoodcoop!

Leigha Staffenhagen